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2015-03-02 Day 41 - Interview for Global News

After a very short night I decided to go to Vernon. I was at polish family's house so we had a fast breakfast and I was dropped of at the place I finished the day before. It was my first day with baby stroller, I decided it would be easier to pushmy backpack on 3-wheel stroller than have it on my back.

I received a call from Global News and I was invited for an interview! What a great news for me! We spend like an hour talking and shooting different scenes as I was walking.

I will post a link a soon as I get a video!

This day I was walking with my cart for the first time, it was harder than I expected as my musles were working in a different way, small hill were difficult, but I adapted really quickly, no problems later!

I arrived to the small city, 25m from Vernon, the day had one difficult moment, at some point there was heavy snowfall and I didn't know how many more kilometers I could walk, I had a specific plan and I wanted to complete that!

I was picked up by another Polish family, this time from Vernon! Another day in a nice and warm bed!

2015-03-02 Dzień 41 - Wywiad dla telewizji Global News

Po bardzo krótkiej nocy postanowiłem udać się do Vernon. Byłem w domu polskiej rodziny, więc mieliśmy szybkie śniadanie i zostałem dowieziony do miejsca, w którym skończyłem w przeddzień. To był mój pierwszy dzień z trójkołowym wózkiem. Postanowiłem, że będzie łatwiej wieźć plecak na wózku, niż na moich plecach.

Otrzymałem telefon od Global News i zostałem zaproszony na rozmowę - wywiad! Jaka wspaniała wiadomość dla mnie! Spędziliśmy około godziny na rozmowie i fotografowaniu różnych scen, jak szedłem

Wstawię link jak tylko dostanę video

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